Divergent and nonuniform gene expression patterns in mouse brain
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2010) - Comment
pubmed: 20956311  doi: 10.1073/pnas.1003732107  issn: 1091-6490  issn: 0027-8424 

John A. Morris, Joshua J. Royall, Darren Bertagnolli, Andrew F. Boe, Josh J. Burnell, Emi J. Byrnes, Cathy Copeland, Tsega Desta, Shanna R. Fischer, Jeff Goldy, Katie J. Glattfelder, Jolene M. Kidney, Tracy Lemon, Geralyn J. Orta, Sheana E. Parry, Sayan D. Pathak, Owen C. Pearson, Melissa Reding, Sheila Shapouri, Kimberly A. Smith