I would like to invite professor Voinnet to upload all the raw research data of this paper (and as well the raw data of all other papers which have been discussed in the ETZ report and in the CNRS report) to a public part of the website of ETHZ ( www.ethz.ch ), so all his colleagues / peers have easy access to these raw research data.
Alternatively, peers / interested colleagues can send professor Voinnet a request to provide them with these raw research data.
Please note that "Voinnet’s group is to be provided with an external advisor for the necessary changes in working practices." (
https://www.ethz.ch/en/news-and-events/eth-news/news/2015/07/investigation-result-voinnet.html ).
This implies that any peer who gets no response from professor Voinnet and/or meets a refusal from professor Voinnet to get the raw research data of this paper, or the raw research data of any of the other questioned papers authored by professor Voinnet, can simply forward his request to this external advisor. I tend to think that 'good working practices' implies that scientists are willing to share the raw research data of published papers with their interested colleagues / peers.
The paper in question is open access (
http://emboj.embopress.org/content/27/15/2102 ), so I fail to understand why the raw research data of such an open access paper might be 'unavailable' for interested readers.
Please note that also Mario Keller is listed as one of the corresponding authors, so this scientist can also be approached when professor Voinnet does not respond and/or refuses to share the raw data (eg of the digital pictures of the leaves depicted in the figures).
"Supported by grants from (..) ‘SIROCCO' LSHG-CT+2006-037900 from the European Union (OV)." is stated in the Acknowledgements. Anyone any idea about the rules of the EU in regard to to sharing raw data?