Voltage-dependent-anion-channels (VDACs) in Arabidopsis have a dual localization in the cell but show a distinct role in mitochondria
Plant Molecular Biology (2012) - Comments
pubmed: 22294207  doi: 10.1007/s11103-012-9874-5  issn: 1573-5028  issn: 0167-4412 

Nadia Robert, Isabelle D'Erfurth, Anne Marmagne, Mathieu Erhardt, Michèle Allot, Karine Boivin, Lionel Gissot, Dario Monachello, Morgane Michaud, Anne-Marie Duchêne, Hélène Barbier-Brygoo, Laurence Maréchal-Drouard, Geneviève Ephritikhine, Sophie Filleur