Noncontiguous finished genome sequences and description of Bacteroides mediterraneensis sp. nov., Bacteroides ihuae sp. nov., Bacteroides togonis sp. nov., Bacteroides ndongoniae sp. nov., Bacteroides ilei sp. nov. and Bacteroides congonensis sp. nov. identified by culturomics
New Microbes and New Infections (2018) - Comment
doi: 10.1016/j.nmni.2018.06.006  issn: 2052-2975  pubmed: 30258636 

C. Andrieu, M. Mailhe, D. Ricaboni, M.D.M. Fonkou, M. Bilen, F. Cadoret, E. Tomei, N. Armstrong, V. Vitton, A. Benezech, B. Davoust, A. Levasseur, J.-C. Lagier, P.-E. Fournier, D. Raoult