Shared genetic aetiology between cognitive functions and physical and mental health in UK Biobank (N=112 151) and 24 GWAS consortia
Molecular Psychiatry (2016) - Comment
pubmed: 26809841  doi: 10.1038/mp.2015.225  issn: 1476-5578  issn: 1359-4184 

S P Hagenaars, S E Harris, G Davies, W D Hill, D C M Liewald, S J Ritchie, R E Marioni, C Fawns-Ritchie, B Cullen, R Malik, B B Worrall, C L M Sudlow, J M Wardlaw, J Gallacher, J Pell, A M McIntosh, D J Smith, C R Gale, I J Deary, D J Smith