Perivascular cells induce microglial phagocytic states and synaptic engulfment via SPP1 in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease
Nature Neuroscience (2023) - Comments
pubmed: 36747024  doi: 10.1038/s41593-023-01257-z  issn: 1546-1726 

Sebastiaan De Schepper, Judy Z Ge, Gerard Crowley, Laís S S Ferreira, Dylan Garceau, Christina E Toomey, Dimitra Sokolova, Javier Rueda-Carrasco, Sun-Hye Shin, Jung-Seok Kim, Thomas Childs, Tammaryn Lashley, Jemima J Burden, Michael Sasner, Carlo Sala Frigerio, Steffen Jung, Soyon Hong