Efficacy of Tocilizumab in Patients Hospitalized with Covid-19
New England Journal of Medicine (2020) - Comments
doi: 10.1056/nejmoa2028836  issn: 0028-4793  issn: 1533-4406  pubmed: 33085857  doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2904  issn: 1831-4732 

John H. Stone, Matthew J. Frigault, Naomi J. Serling-Boyd, Ana D. Fernandes, Liam Harvey, Andrea S. Foulkes, Nora K. Horick, Brian C. Healy, Ruta Shah, Ana Maria Bensaci, Ann E. Woolley, Sarah Nikiforow, Nina Lin, Manish Sagar, Harry Schrager, David S. Huckins, Matthew Axelrod, Michael D. Pincus, Jorge Fleisher, Chana A. Sacks