Acquisition of multidrug-resistant bacteria and encoding genes among French pilgrims during the 2017 and 2018 Hajj
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (2021) - Comments
pubmed: 33411174  doi: 10.1007/s10096-020-04122-0  issn: 1435-4373  issn: 0934-9723 

Van-Thuan Hoang, Thi-Loi Dao, Tran Duc Anh Ly, Frédérique Gouriet, Linda Hadjadj, Khadidja Belhouchat, Kamel Larbi Chaht, Saber Yezli, Badriah Alotaibi, Didier Raoult, Philippe Parola, Sophie Alexandra Baron, Vincent Pommier De Santi, Jean-Marc Rolain, Philippe Gautret