Endothelin-1 promotes myofibroblast induction through the ETA receptor via a rac/phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt-dependent pathway and is essential for the enhanced contractile phenotype of fibrotic fibroblasts
Molecular Biology of the Cell (2004) - Comments
pubmed: 15047866  doi: 10.1091/mbc.e03-12-0902  issn: 1059-1524  issn: 1939-4586 

Xu Shi-Wen, Yunliang Chen, Christopher P. Denton, Mark Eastwood, Elisabetta A. Renzoni, George Bou-Gharios, Jeremy D. Pearson, Michael Dashwood, Roland M. Du Bois, Carol M. Black, Andrew Leask, David J Abraham