P-selectin glycoprotein ligand regulates the interaction of multiple myeloma cells with the bone marrow microenvironment
Blood (2012) - Comments
pubmed: 22096244  doi: 10.1182/blood-2011-07-368050  issn: 1528-0020  issn: 0006-4971 

Abdel Kareem Azab, Phong Quang, Feda Azab, Costas Pitsillides, Brian Thompson, Triona Chonghaile, John T Patton, Patricia Maiso, Val Monrose, Antonio Sacco, Hai T Ngo, Ludmila M Flores, Charles P Lin, John L Magnani, Andrew L Kung, Anthony Letai, Ruben Carrasco, Aldo M Roccaro, Irene M Ghobrial