In Fig. 4, the tumor volume under 100 mm3 is not tumor. Also, measurement at 1-2 weeks is not of tumor, but of the originally injected cells or fibrosis.
In C, the sh1 and sh2 group have exactly the same incidence of pulmonary metastasis. In D, of the two animals with metastasis in each group, they each have exactly one animal with one metastasis and one animal with two metastasis. Exactly the same.
In Fig. 5, the bar graphs for the cell line on the left appears to be identical to the one for the cell line on the right. Including identical error bars.
In Fig. 7 C and D, the same situation as Fig. 5. The bars for the left hand cell line appear identical to the bars for the right hand cell line.
Retracted 1 November 2020.
Falsified materials and/or data reported in this publication had been detected by a knowledgeable reader and subsequently confirmed by further investigation of editorial office. Therefore, the entire article has been retracted in accordance with this journal’s policy and editorial decision.
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