Pete Bankhead claims he wrote this software. He is not an author of this paper.
A small number of people know the real background story to @QuPath, but most don't. I didn't plan to ever tell it…
The short version is that I single-handedly wrote the software as a postdoc but was blocked from releasing it open-…
This worked - but meant I was out of academia, and my old group were free to take the credit. Which they did. It…
This was annoying but tolerable, until today I saw a new publication about QuPath's 'global impact' that changed my…
I know the authors. They did not write a single line of code. They did not answer a single user question on the for…
It seems they've cleverly used the passive voice and their affiliation to create the impression they were instrumen…
The truth is QuPath is open-source because I worked on it constantly over years, learned a new level of stubbornnes…
In the end, it's just software. Technology moves on quickly. Looking back, I'm not sure it was worth the personal c…
If it does, it'll only be because of the things people do with it. Pathologists, biologists, and others with skills…
Now I'm older & a PI, I think more about why I stay in academia. It's mostly the many good people I've met & freedo…
There is a false statement in the abstract, repeated with a typo corrected in the introduction. The article states, "QuPath… is arguably the most [wildly/widely] used image analysis software program in the world."
No evidence is provided for this statement, and it can be readily falsified. For example, Figure 3 of the paper shows ~250 citations of QuPath in 2020, whereas there are more than 34,000 citations of ImageJ in that time period, listed by Google Scholar:"imagej"&hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C22&as_ylo=2020&as_yhi=2020
Supporting evidence for code contribution for the QuPath project is logged in Github:
This paper has 51 citations, which should have gone to the original QuPath paper. Please cite the correct paper
Also, a new Twitter post by Pete Bankhead
Attach files by dragging & dropping, selecting them, or pasting from the clipboard. Uploading your files… We don’t support that file type. with a PNG, GIF, or JPG. Yowza, that’s a big file. with a file smaller than 1MB. This file is empty. with a file that’s not empty. Something went really wrong, and we can’t process that file.
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