The 37.3% of people who said they want to leave cannabis, don't fit with a non decimal number applied to the 419 people on analysis. It should be 37,47% o 37,23%, and it can't fit with a rounding. Can you explain how do you obtain these data?
Dear Heliothela,
Thank you for noting this. The number and percentages in the table are correct, but not taking the total sample, but all the subjects that answered well this item. Some subjects did not answered these items so we calculated the percentages according to the total of sample collected per item, not the whole sample. This is because small variations can be observed.
Thank you again,
Thank you for replying.
Could you be more specific about which of these questions are considered to be part of the same "item", and what is the total sample size for each item?
Please address the following comments about this sentence: "Regarding employment status, 313 subjects (72.2%) were working, while 36 subjects (8.7%) were studying and 25 (6%) were not working."
Finally, if the percentages are taken over the people who answered each item, one would especially expect that the percentage of people "working" + "not working" + "studying" would add up to at least to 100%. Could you explain how this is not the case?
Dear Heliothela,
Thank you for checking our data in such a precise way. These mistakes were missed by our team and by reviewers, so we are grateful. After checking carefully your concerns we revised the SPSS analyses and we noted some typos. Im attaching screenshots of the SPSS tables on these analyses. Note that here we provide further information that was not included in the manuscript, as we took the most representative information for profiling the sample. Apart from that, when there are doubts about the data used, it is common to ask for the raw data. We are of course open to share this file with you or other researchers.
Note that:
After that, we decided to reanalyze the data and let the journal know this differing numbers in order to correct them in the article. Just for letting you know, sometimes we compute these demographic data through other means (excel, or manual calculator), instead of copy/pasting the info from the SPSS, so we guess these mistakes are due to that procedure. Other robust analyses performed in the manuscript, such as the linear regression, are performed directly in the SPSS, and the results extracted from there, so we expect to not have been affected by this. Thank you so much again for noting these mistakes and inform us about them.
All the best,
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