Retracted: Resveratrol Derivative, Trans‐3, 5, 4′‐Trimethoxystilbene, Prevents the Developing of Atherosclerotic Lesions and Attenuates Cholesterol Accumulation in Macrophage Foam Cells
Molecular nutrition & food research (2020) - 6 Comments
doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201901115  issn: 1613-4125  issn: 1613-4133  pubmed: 31965713 

Ming Hong author has email , Jinke Li author has email , Siying Li , Mohammed M. Almutairi author has email

#1 Elisabeth M Bik
#2 Elisabeth M Bik
#3 Elisabeth M Bik
#4 Elisabeth M Bik
#5 Elisabeth M Bik

Retracted a year ago -

#6 Hoya camphorifolia

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