Given the fact that this paper has become the primary study responsible for the belief that sunscreen kills coral, we should probably pause to examine the methods and interpretation of the results.
Summary In this study, the authors examined the effects of oxybenzone on the larval form of Stylophora pistillata and on cells cultures from several other coral species. They also performed a monitoring study, taking samples of water from HI and the US Virgin Islands.
Methodological Issues (toxicology)
Methodological Issues (sampling & analytical chemistry)
I would like to see a formal Klimish score of this paper. Or perhaps an reliability check using the EPA Evaluation Guidelines for Ecological Toxicity Data in the Open Literature. I think it would fail, which means it should not be used for regulatory guidance. And yet Hawaii banned oxybenzone and octinoxate based on this paper. (Octinoxate is not even part of this study.)
Can the authors comment on what compound was actually tested in this paper?
It appears they have not used the compound they think they did.
They claim it is oxybenzone (benzophenone-3; CAS# 131-57-7 ), but the Sigma-Aldrich catalog number in the paper (Aldrich cat#T16403) is benzophenone-2 (CAS# 131-55-5). These are not the same compounds.
Regarding point 1 above in the results: If you look at Table 1, it looks like the number should be 139.
Follow the pattern: Regression (8 hr/light): 3.1 mg/L PROBIT (8 hr/light): 2.9 mg/L Regression (8 hr/dark): 16.8 mg/L PROBIT (8 hr/dark): 12.8 mg/L Regression (24 hr/light): 103.8 ug/L PROBIT (24 hr/light): 139 ug/L [NOT 1.39] Regression 24 hr/dark: 873.4 ug/L PROBIT (24 hr/dark): 799 ug/L
And if you look at the supplementary figures, it also looks like it should be 139. Will the authors fix this? They are publicly using the 1.39 ug/L number to advocate.
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