This article contains several tortured phrases that make some passages hard to parse. These typically result from an attempt to avoid plagiarism detection using a paraphrasing software. So far, the following have been spotted:
Tortured Phrases (found) | Established Phrases (expected) |
choice tree | decision tree |
computerized reasoning | artificial intelligence |
fake neural | artificial neural (network) |
hereditary algorithm | genetic algorithm |
likelihood thickness | probability density |
fluffy | fuzzy (logics) |
Can the authors explain why they departed from the established phrases?
How come these incorrect wordings survived proofreading by the coauthors, editors, referees, copy editors, and typesetters?
Flagged by the Problematic Paper Screener.
This article has been retracted by IOP Publishing following an allegation that this article may contain tortured phrases [1].
IOP Publishing has investigated in line with the COPE guidelines and have found tortured phrases to be masking overlap of other work [2] and agrees this work should be retracted.
IOP Publishing wishes to credit PubPeer commenters and the Problematic Paper Screener for bringing this issue to our attention.
The corresponding author neither agrees or disagrees to this retraction.
[1] Cabanac G, Labbe C, Magazinov A, 2021, arXiv:2107.06751v1
[2] R. Beaulah Jeyavathana, R Balasubramanian, A. Anbarasa Pandian, 2016, A survey: Analysis on pre-processing and segmentation techniques for medical images, IJRSI 3 6
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