Retracted 13 October 2022.
At the request of the Journal Editor and SAGE Publications, the following article has been retracted: Qiao L, Xue Y, Tang W, Jimenez G. Skin cancer diagnosis based on a hybrid AlexNet/extreme learning machine optimized by Fractional-order Red Fox Optimization algorithm. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. February 2022. doi:10.1177/09544119221075941
Following publication of the article, the Journal became aware that the identity of one of the authors, G Jimenez, cannot be confirmed at their listed institution. The authors were asked for an explanation of the involvement of an unauthorised third party and did not provide a response.
Adhering to the international guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Journal has determined these are grounds for retraction.
The authors did not respond to this retraction notice or could not be reached.
According to Dimensions, there are at least 8 articles on which "Giorgos Jimenez" is listed as a co-author:
An additional search turned in four more results.
Two results are directly verifiable on the web pages of the respective publishers.
The other two are placed in "Journal of Smart Systems and Stable Energy" by "Forscher Publisher" - whatever that entity is. There, the list of authors is not available in Crossref, and the DOI links resolve into a 404. However, Dimensions still offered links to PDF files. In those, "Jimenez" is a single author.
Note an exotic affiliation in one of the two articles.
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