Retracted: Kale ( Brassica oleracea var. sabellica ) as miracle food with special reference to therapeutic and nutraceuticals perspective
Food Science & Nutrition (2022) - 5 Comments
doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2476  issn: 2048-7177  pubmed: 36171787 

Waseem Khalid , Muhammad Sajid Arshad author has email , Muhammad Imran , Rabia Shabir Ahmad , Ali Imran , Tahira Batool Qaisrani , Zubia Asghar , Adnan Husain , Faqir Muhammad Anjum author has email , Hafiz Ansar Rasul Suleria

#1 Colby J. Vorland
#2 Parabagrotis sulinaris
#3 Colby J. Vorland
#4 Colby J. Vorland
#5 Russula myrmecobroma

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